
ESM Players

Midsummer Night’s Dream

by William Shakespeare


Four young members of the nobility run away to the forest only to have Puck, Oberon’s fairy, make both of the men fall in love with the same woman.

Why? An honest mistake.

The result? Confusion, despair and a lot of chasing each other.

Incidentally, someone is transformed into a donkey, with whom the Fairy Queen, Titania, promptly falls in love. Also, a wall will make an appearance, as do lion and moonshine.

Lord, what fools these mortals be!

Direction: Conny Loder


Audio & Light: Thomas Hafner

Veranstalter: ESM Players

ESM Players is a dedicated youth amateur theatre company with international students.

Nächste Vorstellungen

27.03.2025 Do 19:00 15 / 10 erm €
28.03.2025 Fr 19:00 15 / 10 erm €
29.03.2025 Sa 19:00 15 / 10 erm €
30.03.2025 So 15:00 15 / 10 erm €